
Scientific Instruments


Mass Spectrometry Instruments Ltd ( MSI ) specializes in high performance magnetic sector double focusing mass spectrometer Instruments. It has inherited the technology from Kratos Analytical who were the pioneer in introducing the commercial sector mass spectrometers way back in 1957. Since then the advancement of the technology and need for high precision, high resolution instruments has risen exponentially.

MSI has many years of mass spectrometry experience in its dedicated workforce. Our engineer's training and experience are second to none. Combining this with a focus on producing problem solving instrumentation at a cost effective price results in a first class product targeted to meet your needs.

The company was initially founded on a service and support basis. Since then we have consolidated our maintenance, spares and repairs services, moving into instrument production only after establishing this firm customer support platform. With our highly experienced service capability there is no doubt that MSI has an on-going commitment to its users. We view the sale of every one of our Instrument as the start of a long term relationship.

Mass Spectrometry Instruments is now based in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, UK, having moved from Altrincham in late 2005. The unique combination of our diverse but highly skilled workforce results in a focused company dedicated to high resolution mass spectrometer design and manufacture. It has achieved a high quality product being an ISO 9001 certified company.


AutoConcept Environmental

MSI introduces a new compact Autoconcept designed specifically for Environmental Analysis. This instrument boasts of smaller footprint, better S/N ratio, multi-technique multi-GC inlet and fully baked ion optics.

In addition to performing dioxin and furans analysis specified by methods USEPA1613 and EN1948, it can also be used to analyze POPs, pesticides, etc.

AutoConcept GD90

The Autoconcept GD90 is a high resolution glow discharge mass spectrometer designed specifically to perform very high precision analysis of elements. The glow discharge MS provides direct analysis of the solid metal and insulators. It has a very broad range of elemental coverage giving usable data for over 70 elements with high sensitivity for both light elements as well as heavy elements. With GDMS, measurement of trace impurities at ppb-ppt level can be performed with ease as the technique utilizes a separation of atomization and Ionization. This method therefore has minimal matrix effect and the need of specific reference material is no longer required. It has benefits of full scan analysis of metals and alloys, bulk survey analysis of semiconductor and depth profiling of layers and coatings. It is an ideal tool for production and quality control of high purity materials, including metals, alloys, semiconductor and with the addition of RF source, insulators. etc.